The Institute of Public Administration Australia has divisions in each Australian state and territory. These are the engine room for local events, professional development opportunities and other member activities.
IPAA Queensland is led by Deidre Mulkerin (IPAA Queensland President and Director-General of the Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs) and Tanya Hornick (Vice President and Secretary, IPAA Queensland).
IPAA New South Wales is led by Mark Webb FIPAA (IPAA New South Wales Acting President and Chief Executive, NSW Department of Parliamentary Services, NSW Parliament) and Jo Rose (Acting Chief Executive Officer).
IPAA ACT is led by Katherine Jones PSM (IPAA ACT President and Secretary, Attorney-General’s Department) and Kate Driver (Chief Executive Officer).
IPAA Victoria is led by John Bradley (IPAA Victoria President and Secretary, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning) and Amanda Stevens (Chief Executive Officer).
IPAA Tasmania is led by Vice President Melanie Brown, Assistant Director, Department of Premier and Cabinet, Tasmanian Government
IPAA South Australia is led by Erma Ranieri PSM FIPAA (IPAA South Australia President and Commissioner for Public Sector Employment) and Renae Haese (Executive Director).
IPAA Western Australia is led by Jenness Gardner MIPAA (Chief Executive Officer of the Economic Regulation Authority WA) and Gavin Lewis (Chief Executive Officer).
IPAA Northern Territory is led by Adjunct Professor Joanne Norton (Acting Commissioner for Public Employment, Northern Territory Government) and Kimberlee Mckay (Secretary, IPAA Northern Territory).